1. Ya No Estoy Aqui (Film, 2019) - MovieMeter.nl
Drama film geregisseerd door Fernando Frias. Met Juan Daniel Garcia Treviño, Xueming Angelina Chen en Jonathan Espinoza.
2. Ya no estoy aqui - cinema - VPRO Gids
Bevat niet: actors | Resultaten tonen met:actors
De zeventienjarige Ulises, hoofdpersoon van dit Mexicaanse drama, is bezeten van Colombiaanse cumbiamuziek, mits die vertraagd wordt afgespeeld, ‘want dan voel je het beter’. Voor de film zelf geldt iets dergelijks: die heeft een lijzig tempo, maar kruipt daardoor des te meer onder de huid. Ulises is de leider van een (vreedzame) jeugdbende in de stad Monterrey, met een heel eigen haardracht, kledingstijl en manier van dansen. Na een aanvaring met lokale gangsters moet hij vluchten naar de VS. Fascinerend portret van een obscure subcultuur, prachtig gefilmd, vol prettig onderkoelde humor en tragiek.
3. I'm No Longer Here (2019) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
Top Billed Cast ; Juan Daniel Garcia Treviño. Ulises Sampiero ; Jonathan Espinoza. Jeremy ; Xueming Angelina Chen. Lin ; Bianca Coral Puente Valenzuela. Chaparra.
In Monterrey, Mexico, a young street gang spends their days dancing to slowed-down cumbia and attending parties. After a mix-up with a local cartel, their leader is forced to migrate to the U.S. but quickly longs to return home.
4. I'm No Longer Here | Rotten Tomatoes
After a misunderstanding with a local cartel, a young man is forced to leave behind his family, friends and everything he loves.
5. I'm No Longer Here Reviews - Metacritic
Top Cast ; Juan Daniel García Treviño. Ulises Sampiero ; Emily May Jampel. Party Girl ; Xueming Angelina Chen. Lin ; Leo Zapata. Isai ; Coral Puente. Chaparra ...
In the mountains of Monterrey, Mexico, a young street gang calling themselves “Los Terkos” spends their days listening to slowed-down cumbia and attending dance parties. After a mix-up with a local cartel, their leader, Ulises Samperio, is forced to migrate to Jackson Heights, Queens, where he quickly finds himself wanting to return home.
6. I'm No Longer Here (2019) - Filmaffinity
Bevat niet: actors | Resultaten tonen met:actors
Genre: Drama | Synopsis: A teenage immigrant struggles with the death of his brother and feelings of isolation and loneliness in his new surroundings.
7. I'm No Longer Here | Netflix Wiki - Fandom
I'm No Longer Here (Spanish: Ya no estoy aquí) is a Mexican Spanish-language musical drama movie directed and written by Fernando Frias, and starring Juan ...
I'm No Longer Here (Spanish: Ya no estoy aquí) is a Mexican Spanish-language musical drama movie directed and written by Fernando Frias, and starring Juan Daniel Garcia Treviño, Yahir Alday, and Angelina Chen. This movie was originally released on October 21, 2019, in the Morelia International Film Festival, then it was available for streaming on Netflix as an original movie on May 27, 2020. A terrible misunderstanding with a local gang sends 17-year-old Ulises, leader of a group hooked on cumbi
8. 'I'm No Longer Here' Review (Ya No Estoy Aquí) - Variety
29 mei 2020 · With: Juan Daniel García “Derek,” Jonathan Espinoza, Coral Puente, Leo Zapata, Yahir Alday, Fanny Tovar, Leonardo Garza, Tania Alvarado, Yocelin ...
The helmer of HBO's 'Los Espookys' delivers a serious, sensitive look at Monterrey's Cholombiano subculture through the eyes of a dancer.
YA NO ESTOY AQUI / I'M NO LONGER HERE ... In the mountains of Monterrey, Mexico, a small street gang named "Los Terkos" spend their days listening to slowed down ...
Written, Produced and Directed by Fernando Frias de la Parra
10. I'm No Longer Here - SFFILM
Combining unique style with compelling performances by non-professional actors, I'm ... Ya no estoy aquí. Year 2019. Runtime 106. Country Mexico/USA. Director ...
11. I'M NO LONGER HERE's Lead Named One of 2020's Top Performances ...
11 dec 2020 · Mexican actor Juan Daniel Garcia Treviño has been included in IndieWire's list of the 13 Best Film Performances by Actors in 2020 for his ...
Mexican actor Juan Daniel Garcia Treviño has been included in IndieWire’s list of the 13 Best Film Performances by Actors in 2020 for
12. I'm No Longer Here movie review (2020) | Roger Ebert
27 mei 2020 · Cast · Juan Daniel Garcia Treviño as Ulises Sampiero · Bianca Coral Puernte Valenzuela as Chaparra · Xueming Angelina Chen as Lin · Luis Leonardo ...
The film from Mexico City-born writer/director Fernando Frias de le Parra is so gorgeously shot and offers such a rich sense of place that it’s always visually compelling, even when the narrative tends to sag a bit.
13. I'm No Longer Here | UCLA Film & Television Archive
23 feb 2024 · Director: Fernando Frías de la Parra. Writer: Fernando Frías de la Parra. With: Juan Daniel Garcia, Jonathan Espinoza, Angelina Chen. Special ...
UCLA Film & Television Archive and Golden Globe Foundation present
14. 'I'm No Longer Here' Dir Fernando Frías de la Parra | Latinolife
Fernando Frías chose to use largely non-professional actors in 'I'm No Longer Here', who had to be trained at an actors' 'summer camp'. Clearly it was a ...
With its universal themes having sparked enthusiastic responses in Mexico, as well as in Argentina, Brazil, and other Latin American countries, 'I'm No Longer Here' has now been picked up for distribution by Netflix, which will now take it far beyond its birthplace, to many different parts of the world. Guillermo del Toro describes the essence of this film: “For the moment they are dancing and for that moment they are alive… [but] in the end we are all dancing alone in the middle of nowhere”
15. I'm No Longer Here (2019) - Letterboxd
Ya no estoy aquí. Directed by Luis Fernando Frías de la Parra. Synopsis. In Monterrey, ...
In Monterrey, Mexico, a young street gang spends their days dancing to slowed-down cumbia and attending parties. After a mix-up with a local cartel, their leader is forced to migrate to the U.S. but quickly longs to return home.
16. Watch I'm No Longer Here (2019) Full Movie Online - Plex
Where to watch I'm No Longer Here (2019) starring Juan Daniel Garcia Treviño, Jonathan Espinoza, Xueming Angelina Chen and directed by Luis Fernando Frías ...
In Monterrey, Mexico, a young cumbia enthusiast finds joy in dance with his gang until a violent run-in with a cartel uproots his life. As he navigates a foreign land, his heart aches for the rhythm of home and the camaraderie he left behind.