Reimagining the Past in the Borderlands of Medieval England and Wales
Georgia Henley
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Reimagining the Past in the Borderlands of Medieval England and Wales
Georgia Henley
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Georgia Henley
May 2024
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Henley, Georgia, 'Rewriting Geoffrey of Monmouth', Reimagining the Past in the Borderlands of Medieval England and Wales (
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This chapter considers the Epitome historiae Britanniae, an abbreviation of Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia regum Britanniae written from a South Welsh perspective in the late fourteenth century. The chapter contrasts the way the history was read in Wales (as an explanation for Welsh loss with a promise of future regeneration in the era of rapid political change leading up to the rebellion of Owain Glyndŵr) with how it was read in the March of Wales (as an outline of the historical past and royal lineage that the marchers had now inherited). The Epitome historiae Brianniae’s explanation of the classical origins of the Britons, the loss of Welsh independence, and the foundation of the church in South Wales was adapted to fit the political geography of the early fifteenth century, when control over South Wales was reasserted after the Glyndŵr rebellion’s failure. The transmission of this text from South Wales to the March of Wales is a primary example of how marcher interest in the Welsh past drew Welsh historical texts out of Wales.
Keywords: chronicles, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Llandaff, Ludlow, medieval Wales, medieval Welsh history, medieval Welsh literature, Owain Glyndŵr, political prophecy, Shropshire
Literary Studies (Early and Medieval)
Collection: Oxford Scholarship Online
Reimagining the Past in the Borderlands of Medieval England and Wales. Georgia Henley, Oxford University Press. © Georgia Henley (2024). DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780192856463.003.0002
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