The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2025)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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OT REPUBLICAN: AVEDNESDAY 14 1911 4W 12 hampdencounty WESTERN MASSACHUSETT WESTIELD? HOLYOKE MAYORS DISREGARD WEATHER' VRAISE HOSPITALITY Hampden News Continued on SPECIAL NOTICES 5 The committee expect member of the com mi NEW PLAYGROUND COMMISSION ONLY 14 VOTERS PRESENT CHESTER PALMER EORMER 'LOCAL at the home to morrow morning at LONGMEADOW few HOLLAND Chicago been removed SPECIAL NOTICES Parks block this even of is a of lie MANUACTURERS SPKINGIELD "LUDLOW building MATERIALS BRIMIELD" and feet in the affray a stone in his hands kicked in the stomach nf the men assaulted assailant pa rtv to Daniel Crean Hit by Train in Tor KEEP 'HOUSE REE ROM GERMS one down the assailant was advised him again because he was still standin The inference was drawn that it was a very serious assault unless the Bacon has been spending a with her sister in Mrs Stone in Brookline Mr and Mrs Louis Stuckert received word yesterday that their little grandson the youngest son of Mr and Mrs Joseph XV Balloch was much better and Mrs Balloch would re turn home with him in a few days The old school building which was fitted up on the south side last fall for the nrimarv children is haring still further improvements A room is being prepared also for manual training in the basement and the exterior is Io hare a coat of paint William Quinn is "the eon win The service bv all presentof lie the tie that Drath of James 'J Hogan James Hogan 51 of 178 Center street died at the Mercy hospital in Springfield yesterday after an illness of three weeks The news of his death came as a sur prise to many of his friends who had not known of his illness He was well known in Chicopee and had a large circle of friends He was born in Chicopee the son of Mr and Mrs Terrence Hogan His mother had been dead for1 many years and Ins father died last year receitsed his early education parochial school of stitution he was a graduate rendered bv A Denrden rank Glad Wood and Robert Bradley will close with the singing morning had with rom Children's day was observed in the Hol in nd f'ongregationol church Sunday A special program of recitations and songs was arranged by Rev Mr Lovering Miss Mrs Gardner will and there will bo special Bradley will tions will bo Mayor letcher Announces Appoint ment of New Board Manor Samuel letcher yesterday an nounced the appointment of the new play ground commission The commission which consists of Thomas A McDonald James Thomson Reuben Carter Henry St Marie and Dr William will supervise the city playgrounds and will begin upon their duties at once The longest term appoint ments are for three years and Mr McDon ald and Mr Thomson are the appointees Mr Carter and Mr St Marie are appointed for two years and Dr O'Brien for one year The commission wilL enlarge upon the work done by the city playground commission last year and it is proposed to add at least one more ground sthis year to the number alreadyyin ruse Just where the newground will be located has not been decided upon the matter being left to the commission to decide It is expected that all playgrounds will be placed in operation as soon as the commission organizes or at least before the summer vacation period of the public schools begins Many of the features intro duced last year will again be taken up this year Both the boys and girls will be given instruction in practical summer playground i 5 Of 'the 5 560000 of Sweden 10000 or 2 per cent possess one third of the total property and one third of the total income' of the country To Instnl Iter Holmes To day The ecclesiastical council called to meet in the Second Congregational church to day will be held at 3 ni and delegates will be present from a large number of churches in this section of the state The couiieil is called to review the proceedings in the cal! of the church fo Rev Clement Holmes nnd if the result of the exam ination is favorable the formal instala tion services will be held in the evening Supper will bo served bv the women of the cH'itrcb at 6 No public announcement is made of the evening program but like the afternoon meeting it will be open to the public There willy be rhetorical exercises the last of the year in' the hall 'of the Hitch cock free academy riday afternoon Be side recitations there will be given an al legorical dialog World's Work by eight pupils The orchestra will play The academy nine defeated the Wes ley an second nine at Wilbraham Satur day' the score being to 4 4 The sent out to those persons tor pcr ture reading i hymn of petition (No 201 of Sherwin responsive read ing (selection 22 page 17) "Gloria (No 507) Greatorex: 'Messages from litera Principal A Clarence A Brodeur an Lovely are the from (Mendelssohn) senior class address Rev Holmes bass solo the Lord is Mindful of His (Mendels sohn) rederic Goodwin hymn of inspira tion (No 287 from the German benediction (Sevenfold) Stainer: recessional Andante Symphony In Schnbert The first floor of Waterman's block kt the corner of Elm and Orange streets is to be lowered so asto conform to the new grade of the' street and sidewalk as the result of the improvement work The work is in charge of The first floor this building is occupied by King's market The excavations in connection with the new work show that there have been no less than three sidewalk levels in front of Waterman's block The marriage of Miss Eva Phyllis Pol matier and Marcus Colborne Wright took place May 27 at Winnipeg Man Mr and Mrs Wright will be at home after Sep tember 1 in suite A Albert court Regina Saskatchewan Can The was for merly of Westfield and has for some years been traveling through the with the olmatier Sisters' orchestra Carroll A Wilson son of Dr and Mrs Charles Wilson Of the Westfield normal school will complete his course this month in Oxford university England Mr Wilson is one of the Rhodes scholarship men and has been making a specialty of law He will return to the United States in July and will study law in the office of Lewis Parker before taking the Massachusetts bar examinations: Joseph Boyce and Edward Boyce are to move to Southwick having bought a small farm between Westfield and Southwick Center Joseph II Boyce will continue the manufacture of cigars at his new residence and he and his brother will carry on the farm making a specialty of raising tobacco squabs and chickens A representative of the firm of Gardner Gardner ot Springfield was in Westfield yesterday and looked over the town hall building in company with II Kingsbury of the lockup committee It is expected that this firm of architects will prepare a plan for remodeling the present town hall building according to ideas of the minority members of the lockup committee The parsonage society of the Methodist church will seixe supper in the vestry this evening at 615 in observance of flag day The commission of the Milton Whit ney pnlflii pla cgiound has decided to1 fill in Garter's pond between the dike and river and mala it suitable for wading pur poses for the boys and girls Large stones will be placed in the pond first and then gra vel and sand will be placed on top A 'tawu par noon and Clark District Court Cases There were six cases in court yesterday morning One man was given sentence of 30 days in the house of correction for drunkenness Mrs Barnes of the Mada gascar district was fined $6 for drunken ness Judge Kellogg informed Mrs Barnes that there had been many complaints' of disturbances in her section which was one ot the worst in Westfield He Mated that there must tie an improvement and that Mrs Barnes could do her part if she would a tv estneid youn: (SOU It mills three wo and the other $25 quite a serious disturbance and witnesses told fists had ment and no promises made at ns to what the compensation by either Chairman Walsh of of nublic works or the mayor The members of the bridal take part in the wedding of Miss Helen Mackintosh and Paul Stursberg are plan for several prewedding festivities Yesterday afternoon Mrs Herman Sturs berg gave a tea to the members of the party and to day they will have an auto mobile trip and in the afternoon a theater party mill be given at the Mountain park casino To morrow evening Miss Jessie Mackintosh will give a dance at the Hol yoke canoe club house riday a picnic will be given and in the evening Mrs Stursberg will give a dinner to the party The Holvoke lodge of Odd ellows met last evening and discussed plans for their ennttal memorial services which will be some Sunday within short time The usual exercises will be held nt their dodge rooms at 'which a speaker will be secured to deliver an address follow ing which the members will march to the cemetery where the graves of "the dead members will be dec of the defendants using their teeth and feet in the affray and one man One woman and because did not fall to hit I up i not mnn keeled over The case of Charles IL strander for attempting to wreck a train on the New York New Haven and Hartford railroad was nol prossed Grange Will Hold Memorial Service A memorial service will be held in ti rarernitx hall ing under the auspices of Westfield grange and following the regular meeting The exercises will open with scripture read ing and prayer The roll of the 24 dead members will be called and the altar will be decorated in their memory Eulogies will be given in honor of the three mem bers who have died during the vear by Past Master Eugene De Herrick There will be addresses by State Master Charles Gardner and the master of Westfield grange George Ohnrch give a reading music Robert solo and selec a male quartet Second Day of Club Outing is Profitable for Cuesta and Hosto Alike Holyoke had bad luck this year in the weather when the mayors of the state were present at the meeting ot the club but the program was carried out in spite of the weather and the visitors ex pressed themselves as much pleased both with their entertainment ansd the city and it seems probable that the club may come again The weather Monday made 4 im possible the view usually obtained from the top ot Mt Tom and the rain of Mon day night took some of the pleasure from the visit to the Brightside fair although the party had an enjoyable time at Bright side and visited the several buildings Mayor itzgerald and Senator Powers had to go back to Boston yester day morning but their places were taken by some of the mayors from the eastern part of the state were taken the city yesterday morning the city reservoirs being visited the Holyoke dam the municipal lighting station the new Holyoke milk station and other points of interest in the city including some of the mills Autoniobiles privately were placed at the disposal of the guests and a tour of Holyoke was taken Afterthe'morn sightseeing dinner was after which a large share of the party went to Mountain park and witnessed the play Man of the at the casino After the return from the park the party disbanded to return to their homes While Holyoke has the honor of entertaining the mayors' club for the first time it will not rest with that honor but will try and have the privilege again when the eather will give a better opportunity to show what a really fine city Holyoke is and how favorably it is located As itwas the were impressed with the many natural advantages of the city and took home with them a good practical memento of Holyoke and Holyoke in dustries in the souvenir box presented to them Mayor White while disappointed that the weather had not been better for the meet ing' yet exerted himself as host to overcome the conditions and gave every guest the pleasantest time possible and was the recipient of many congratulations frotn the visiting mayors over the success of his ef forts and also over the beauties of the city of which he is mayor The nlav the week are scheduled for this evening the Hallett to Robert Ramage will take place The graduation exercises of the Notre Dame high school will be held in Temper (Unce hall Monday afternoon and a class of wdl receive diplomas ive were arraigned for drunkenness in police court yesterday morning 4 Threeiwere dined teach one was probated tandf one was released Tuscarora encampment will meet in" the' Odd ellows hall to morrow evening towitness the working of the royal purple der groo on a class of candidates Uncas tribe of Red Men worked the adop tion degree on a class of candidates last evening Miss Edyth Bright of New Haven Ct was the guest cr Sundayof Mrs Harold Caruthers 'of Howard street man paid $10 for as and an assault case from Crescent Russell was heard There was discharged were 'iound guilty one laying $15 3 here was evidently is to be held this after evening at the home of Mrs Sherman corner of Jefferson and Hampden streets Tce crjam and cake uillbe served and there will be a sale of aprons In the evening an enter tainment will be given The marriage of Dennis Courtney of 45 Mechanic street and Miss Bridget Greaney of 118 West Silver street will take place in St this morn ing 'i Officer Sullivan had the misfor tune to lose a sizable sum of money a few days ago and he pfers in another column a liberal reward to the person who returns the money The opening bake of the season was held yesterday noon at the country club in Lit tle River and a large number of members and guests enjoyed the fine menu provided The' annual 'strawberry supper is to be served riday night in the Alien memorial building by the young people's society of the Central Baptist church A special meeting of Mount Moriah lodge of Masons will be held in Masonic temple at 730 this evening to' confer the first or entered apprentice A license has been granted 'to Michael ord of Cambridge and Delia Shea of 45 Broad street West field Spelman is seriously sick at his home Schoo street Dr Robert Hildreth is confined to his home on Holland avenue by4 a severe of Progres on City Work The rain of the past few days has de layed some of the city work to a small ex tent although the larger part is progressing well The water department has about 50 men at the new storage reservoir and is making good progress in the cleaning of the basin The contractor in charge of the dam has about 30 men and the foundation for the dam is being cleaned rapidly The foundation for the new wall on Railroad street is partly laid and the work is pro gressing satisfactorily the top part of the wall will be paneled and on top will be set decorative electric light fixtures City En gineer MacCarthy has prepared plans for the new Cabot street canal bridge and will present them for approval to morrow at the meeting of the Holyoke water power com pany The estimates and plans for the new stairway at the end of Brown avenue will be presented to the board of public works at their meeting riday afternoon Curbing is being set on ranklin street between Maple and High streets and on Maple be tween ranklin and Jackson The excavat ing for the new Elmwood school building is under way and with no strike to hinder the erection of the building should lie rapid Practical Telephone Demonstration '1 he New England telephone exchange in Holyoke took a novel but a practical way to advertise the use of the limited tele phone for long distance calls Persons owning a limited telephone "were notified yesterday (that between the hours of 4 in the afternoon and midnight that they were allowed to make one call to atty part ot trie state free of charge iciniiis were who have not used their telephones long distance calls and about 3M mits were given The object of was to bring the advantages of the of the telephones in talking over the ones io we patrons not ston t( it is to call up distant point Mr Hogan in the St which in After com pleting his schoolwork there he attendedthe college of Montreal at Montreal Can HespeBt The rest of his life in Chicopee where he was employed as a carpenter Mr Hogan had never married He leaves two brothers Johu Hogany amember of the license commission and Dennis Hogan of New York: two sisters Miss Margaret of Chicopee and Mrs John ar rell of Springfield The funeral' will be he S30 o'clock and will be followed with a high mass of requiem in the church' of the Holv Name at ff Burial will be in Calvary cemetery Queer Larceny Case in Court Anna Wojcik was' fonnd' guilty on a charge of larceny in police court yester dav charge Bp ver lired few weeks ago tobacco sheds arc now five and west and buildings have are it The center boulevard is GO running back to the hill with con Miss Ade i grade The fol were elected in charge of Grans i)i cany tuast Higgins Owen ir is jAeiuiin r'oenas Osden 'Southwest dis A Tuftts Mundale district An gnatara Trap Rock district nign Quinn: Ashley street Church: Da rankhn Sackett: Court and South Maple AV Andrews Union street Henry owler The high school seniors were given the privilege of remaining out of school Tues day the 27th the day following class day The committee considered the ap pointment of medical inspectors in the schools for which $500 was appropri ated ill the spring There were 14 out ofi the li physicians in who were under consideration forthe appointments Three declined to be considered as candi dates The 1 inspectors chosen' were Dr Robert Hildreth and Dr Norton The resignation of Miss Lucy Dow of the high school faculty was received and was reluctantly accepted by the school committee Miss Dow has been a teach er in the high school for about 15 years It is understood that she is to become vice principal of a school for girls in the eastern part of the state Gowdy It has on the evening of riday the 28th at 8 with the customary exercises of all the grammar schools throughout the town ai attendance The high school exercises will be held on Wednesday evening the 30th in the town hall but the plans for the occasion have not been completed as yet John Mu lea ha was fined $2 The preferred by Mary the defendant had ath Bift Intvn Party Opens To nifiht Ccicle Joan ITArc and Cerele Lafayette will hold their joint three lawn party on the grounds ofSt Louis church beginning with to night and the affair promises to be a most successful one as no expense has been spared to make filetarty an enjoyable one each evening Ta night and to morrow night there will be a concert and entertainment by Cerele Joan in the' basement of the church and on bach of these nights the eercle will give three acts of a play which has been given recently' The Cerele La fayette will have charge of a doll booth while Cerele Joan will have two booths a fish pond and a country store The Artisan society will have a post office booth that should furnish much amuse ment Ice cream confectionery sand wiches and soda will be on sale each night and there will be whist on the lawn for those who desire to play The Cerele Lafayette orchestra of seven will 'furnish the music each even ing 'The committee whicli has charge of the affair consists of: Chairman Joseph Deraleau secretary Raoul Bergarom A Phadeuf Sr Alexander Cormier Bourque Albert Gcronard Joseph Beatich A' and Peltier The proceeds of the lawn nartv will go to de frnv the expenses of the Aliurch The campaign for the Merrick club which was begun sev eral weeks ago And which is to be gath ered by popular subscription is going on and the officials expect to raise the amount designated by the first of the month There have been some 20 books in circula tion for two months for voluntary pay ments toward the 'required amount and up to date enough money has been collected ties and? larger opportunuies i It offers him a career in of a job It displaces no well pioven methods 1 1 a Thosemethods and gives them anew power a new precision a hew scope A i i bums no bridges It builds larger "There is no relation no con dition 'no asset in your5 busi ness that you value no source of strength peculiar to your self that advertising rightly donjU not help you apply to larger ends If you think these are ex traAragant claims you do'notii know We should like to have yon read our 40 page booklet on( modern merchandising Sent) free on request TWISTED RODS or Concrete Work IRON AND STEEL 1 THE CHAS LEWIJS CO Mass Boston Philadelphiai New York The circulation of The Home Journal is more than 1500000 a month That of The Saturday Evening Post is more than 1850000 a week We have reached this com manding position in our field by the same merchandizing methods wa propose to you I rliArl of liic linma on Prospect avenue vesterday morning after a brief illness Mr Mulcnhay was a resi dent of Chicopee and West Springfield for over 50 years He leaves a son Rev of New York citv and four daughters Hasey of Chic oee Miss Nellie Mulcahay also of New York and the Misses Mary and Rose of West Springfield The funeral arrange ments have not yet been made butjt will probably be held riday morning Mr and Mrs A McConnell of Bridge street witnessed a novel sight early yesterday morning when they saw a fawn drinking from a puddle in front of their and directly opposite the bakeryof Prenosil Mr McConnell who is employed as a brakeman on the Boston and Albany railroad was about to start for work when he noticed the ani mal wt' Isidore 84died'iat his home 218 Elm street yesterday afternoon of old nge He was born in Canada but had lived in this region must of his lite pass ing the last 49 years in Springfield and West Springfield He leaves two daugh ters Mrs Delia Carvo of West Springfield and 'Mrs Helen Kirniry of Springfield and four sons Napoleon of Springfield George of Chicopee Anthonv of West Gardner1 arid Isidore of Providence I The funeral arrangements have not been made Several marriage intentions were filed with the town clerk Monday evening and and among them were: Henry Newton of Springfield and Corinne olev of 120 Main street: Archie Stearns of Springfield and Helen Phelps of 18 Elm street: 'John Kervian of Holyoke and Eva Brunell of 2129 Riverdale street In the Cellar If the cellar nir gets musty from lackunl1'ht nr1nklp thp cellar floor with Carbonoi solution when weeping The Car bond vapor will make the air pure destroy all germs of decomposition and get rid of all bad Don't live over a damp smell ing musty cellar because such cellar sim ply invites germs into your house and keeps them alive and comfortable Jn theIc? Chest Germs will uiultlfiy in the ice chest unless a disinfectant is used there occasionally A good way to keep it clean and sweet is to scrub it out with a solution of Carbonoi and water and rinse carefully in hot water after ward Program for Grammar School Gradua tion i The graduating exercises of the gram mar schools will be held in the town hall riday evening at 8 o'clock when the fol lowing program will be carried out: Prayer by Rev Jasper Harvfey chorus "Coma unto (Handel) salutatory bv Doro thy Bullard Keefe recitation flag of by Virgil Emerson Me Garrett: punoramaic dialog's nd scenes of the irst "Boston tea second third making of ithe fourth "Nathan fifth scene at Valley sixth swamp seventh "The duet life is Perisute) by Donald and Helen Hutchinson: by Elsie Jeanette Pomeroy: Columbus greeting the nations taper drill recita tion by Cecelia Emily Bed well chorus to Spring" (Stra vis): presentation of class gift by Kenneth Parkman Keefe: presentation of diplomas by William Sanderson superintendent of schools The class motto is and Those who will receive diplomas from the hand of Superintendent Sander son ore Mildred Sarah Haley Thomas rancis Haley Donald James Haley Donald Sloane Hutchinson Dorothv Bul lard Keefe Kenneth Parkman Keefe Cecelia Emily Ledwell Virgil Emerson McGarrett John Allen Piispanen Elsie Jeannette Pomeroy Arthur Earl Smithie and Mary Whitcher 'Miss Carrie ANBarber who has been principal of the school building in which all the village schools are grouped has decided to accept the reappointment of fered her by the school board Mr and Mrs Patrick Macken of Springfield have been visiting at the home Mrs Macken's brother Alatthew Toomey on Huntington street Robert Holmes of Syracuse univer sity has been spending a few days at the homo of William Mullen on Mullen avenue Levi Votrc of 12 Joy street was' taken into custody by Officer rost Monday even ing for trespassing on the landt off the Ludlow nianufarturing associates Hie: was given a hearing before Judge Birnie 'yes terday and was put on probation to' ap penr again August 7' Votre and a number of friends had been fishing on the Wilbra ham side of the river and in trying io get over a 10 foot fenctf he was caught in the' wires and could not free himself so that in this case the officer proved both a friend and an enemy' The veteran firemen held a meeting in Hubbard memorial hall Monday evening and worked upon the details for the mus ter which is to be held August 5 A sub scription list has already been' started md is meet ing with ready responses from the business men Mrs Charles Benn has returned from Concord NH where she accompanied her neither Mrs Sarcent Mr and Mrs Buel A Hitchcock have re turned from a few stay in Boston? JAMES MARRA STONE CUTTERS AND QUARftf MEN Office Yards and at East Long meadow 'i Ivr A Louisa Howletib and Mrs Carl Howlett The young peoples who took part in the program were Miss Celia Buekwell Miss Abbie Howlett Miss Laura Blodgett Master ranklin Hehhard Mason How lett Rupert Warrington and John Blod gett Several little gils recited very nicely Mr Lovering and Mrs Howlett the organist prepared special music for the choir Quantities of bntiful flowers decorated the church Ret Mr Lover ink's address to the childreriWas appro priate and impressive The ladies' aid society will mtt to mor row afternoon at the town hallXor regu lar work and to make preparations for a strawberry festival to be held Soon An automobile party Mr an Mt rank Arnold John Mullen anA Mi3 Blanche Arnold of Amherst were enets Daniel Crean son of James Grean of Thorndike was accidentally killed Mon day at Torrington Ct while crossing the railroad track He was well known in town having formerly been employed as conductor on the Springfield and Eastern street railway went from Palmer to Torrington Ct where he was employed in a wholesale fruit 'house and was de livering goods Monday when struck His father left for Torriiicton Monday even ing and the body was brought to Palmer last night uneral services Will be held a i St church to morrow morning Burial will he in St Thomas cemetery He besides his parents two brothers James Jr of Torrington Ct and John of Thorndike The lightning struck a big oak tree on the state highway opposite the hardware house of A''Buck Co about 1 o'clock yesterday morningsetting it on fire A still alarm was sent in to which several members of the fire department responded On reaching the spot they found the tree blazing like a chimney on fire By using 14 extinguishers they extinguished the blaze 1 Ed vard Powers was ffiefore the district court yesterday charged with drunken ness' was found guilty and committed to the state farm at Bridgewater One was released on probation The young people's minstrels of Thorn dike ate to repent their performance at orest Jake to morrow evening A dance will follow Coates's orchestra of Spring field furnishing the music The lawn partv which was to have been hold on file parsonage lawn by the young people of the Baptist church was post poned until this evening on account of the weather Palmer lodge of Odd bellows will meet iu tnei ing wuen nve tnuiantcs take the initiatory degree Mrs Charles Robinson of A dare guest of Mrs Mary Rol inson to just about pay the running expenses of thb club The pledges are not due un til July 1 and will not be collected until that time There is not much doubt about the necessary amount being raised how ever A Ruby of the Springfield train ing school who has been appointed di rector of the club has taken up his residence in West Springfield and will be there for the summer devoting all his time and attention to the welfare of the boys It is expected that after the first of the month hen the playground with the necessary apparatus is put into order that the full benefit of the movement to the youth of the town will be recognized The lawn party for the benefit of the Young Men's Christian association team of the Mittineague mill league which was to have been held on the association grounds last night was postponed for a week be cause of the wet condition of the grounds It was the second tune that a postpone ment was necessary because of rain and the management have dec ided to have the affair on Tuesday night of next week rain or shine as each postponement is a cause of considerable trouble and expense The ground in the rear of the building is being put into condition rapidly for the new ten nis courts and the rain of Monday and yesterday will do it a deal of good The present indications point to very good courts and ones that will add very much to the athletic attractiveness of the asso ciation Nelson Sherburne ho was re ently ap pointed a committee by his fellow mem bers of the school board to obtain the speaker for the annual graduation exer cises of the gra minar schools of the town has succeeded in obtaining Clinton of Springfield for the occasion been decided to hold the event INDEPENDENCE DAY WLANS Nearly? 9200 Now Hatted for tne Celebration The fund being by the board of trade committee which is to have charge of the Independence dayj celebration has had several more additions The Blais dell Jr company contributed $25 Nelson Carter $5 and rancis Norton $2 This brines the amount previously in the lUiici up ro a total of $194 On the 20th the committee will hod a meetinga nil will discuss plans for the Independence day parade with representatives from the va rious societies in the city A committee representing the public school pupils will also meet with the committee rom the present indications there will a large number of secret societies in the line of parade Miiny of the patriotic societies have already made plans and much inter est is manifested bv them It is believed bv the committee that fully as many peo ple will 'witness the parade in Chicopee this year ns did last year This will mean that Independence day will bring over 15000 people to the city Besides the parade which will probably be held in the morning there will also be athletic sports in the afternoon A game of base ball at least has been assured In the evening there will be a display of fire works This is the first year that the committee has undertaken to manage a program of sports in the activities of In pendcnce day from the interest al ready shown they believe that it will be niic of the most interesting narts of the riftv nmcrnni to receive several hundred dollars more in contributions tee stated vesterday that the? committee would welcome all contributions regard less how small the amount James Grise the secretary will receive contribu tions for the committee I SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING New Teacher Elected for High Schoolnr MIsh Dow ot High School aculty Reslgiu The regular meeting of the school board was held last night and considerable busi ness was transacted 1 Miss Elizabeth Louise Richardson was elected to the high school force and will begin her new duties in September Miss Richard son will teach first year English and mathematics Her home is in Leominster and she has been teaching for several years in the high school of East Hartford Ct Miss Richardson is a graduate of Boston university She is a daughter ofRev AV G' Richardsop who for six years was district superintendent in the New England Methodist conference with head quarters in Springfield The committee reappointed Cady andM Sullivan as truant officer the latter to serve without pay laide Keife was elected a teacher in ot lui 111 tlinnl 11 uivAiUPpUti aaji inwiriff portaiion of children ruuus and Day district kip id 'wot lu trier: drew Pignatara Trap Rock These janitors were appointed school and pect Hill A urrows: Irvin Evans Green vis James Starkweather and been whom the evidence it was ered that Miss Wojcik had lived withMrs'Bover for several months and that ronly recently Miss Wojcik had decided to move' ehosing the dead of night to remove her goods from the house Mrs Bover stated that the defendant had moved her belongings through a window and inci dentally took with her several pieces of her house furnishings She also stated that the defendant had been assisted in the work by a police officer She failed however to name the officer or give any description of him Miss Wojcik entered a genera denial and said that all she had taken had belonged to her and that she made no attempt to steal She also ab solved the police department from any blame On closing the case Judge White said that the evidence clearly showed an intent nt larceny and that he therefore could not find an other verdict Mrs Mary A Morse GG wife of Nelson Morse died nt her home near the suspension bridge in the alls last evening after an illness of five years Mrs Morse bad been a resident of Chicopee for the oast 40 years mid waswell known in the city She had been a member of the alls Baptist church for many years She leaves besides herhusband two sons rank of Thetford Vt and Sheridan of Hartford Ct and a daugh ter (Mrs Emma Hoyt at home also three brothers Graves of Springfield Adolnhus Graves of Cook Wash and Emery Graves of Lacota Mich and two sisters Mrs Louise Drake of Springfield and Mrs James Steambarge of Barre Vt The arrangements for the fu neral have not been made The troubles of the water department seem to be increasing daily andit is expect ed that they will continue to do so until the20th when it is promised that short work will be made of all delinquents The de partment has already served notice upon a large number of delinquents and in several instaneds the water has been1 shut off The shutting off of the water seemed to have little effect upon the other delinquents how ever and the department has decided that Unless 'they make payment before the 20th' they can expect to share the same experi ence which befell the older delinquent con sumers The department is at present pre paring a list of all delinquent consumers and expects to have it completed before the x' The following marriage intention was registered at the office of the city clerk yesterday: Joseph Kuza and Miss Karo lina Dziakan both oj 196 Exchange street A drawing exhibition will be held in the Sheridan street school this afternoon and in he School street school to morrow afternoon The board of directors of the board of trade will hold a meeting in their rooms i this evening HAMPDEN BRASS COMPANYBrass Bronze and Aluminum Castings Brass inishing 254 LIBERTY STREET SPRINGIELD A 'free baking demonstration on Cfa forJ combination coal nd gas ranges will be held at the Lnmbson furniture company store to morrow ridax and Satin day Th'e program of the state normal school graduation vespers to be held Sundayaft ipoon ns follow Religiouse" Gui rnnd: livmn of praise (No 43 stanzas 4) Smart invocation scrip fields and gardens there streets three running oast two north and south The nd" 250 building to Wellesley to day to attend the gradu ation of Miss Grace Modlicott from Dana Hall Mrs Bacon will return to mofrow II Rnnsebousen is entertaining her mother who ciime yesterday from North Adams Mrs Allen Skinner has been ill for a few days and 1 her sisier Mrs Gove of Antrim IL was sent for and has Miss Julia Callender has taken a clerical position in the Spring held national bank The irst ehureh brotherhood held their last meeting for the season Monday night in the chapel Coe presided and Burton Smith read the secretary's report Two selections were sung Emerson being the accompanist The sneaker of the evening was Charles Young of Springfield who gave an interesting ad dress telling his impressions of the cities ami neoplo he had seen abroad Light refreshments were served and the meet ing adjourned to September 1 1 One of the quikpst developments of real in Longmeadow hisforv is that on the Albert Allen farm now the Home sreau lawn tract nore a Richard Banford of Longmeadow will go to Monson to day to be married to Miss Greta Merrick (laughter of Charles Merrick His foster parent Mr and frs Almon Underwood and Miss Helen Un derwood Mr and Mrs John Allen and Miss Esther Allen will attend the wedding Mr Banford has a month's leave of absence from the Knox automobile works Mrs rank Hodskins of Converse street with her two children is spending the week with her sister Mrs orated The lodge will be Assisted in 'the observance of the day by the Glenwood Re bekah lodge S'The' committee in charge are as follows James Stalker II Howes McGowan Charles BrinkmanXAAS Wilder and George Smith Ixiytd Mount Holyoke lodge Manchester Unity Odd ellows met last evening and discussed plans for the entertainment of the past commanders of thexeastern part "of the state who will make an official visit to the local lodge on Julj' 11 It is expected that about 50 past commanders will attend nnd a program is being arranged for the occa sion On that evening a handsome loving cup will be presented to Past Grand Alex ander McLeod and other officials wilalso receive cups on the same evening Endeavor temple Pythian Sisters met last evening and discussed plans for a bas ket picnic to be held at Mountain park Al though no definite date has been decided upon it is probable that it will be held the afternoon of the 24th The following com mittee was appointed to have charge of the arrangements Mrs Eva Bugbee Miss Ida Blanchard and Miss Lillian Hart Two ap plications for membership were received The annual meeting and outing the Grand Army posts and their auxiliaries of Holyoke Northampton and Springfield will be held at Mountain park to day The trip will be made in the morning lunches being brought and in the afternoon the fnembers attend the play at 'the casino returningin the early evening rank Lavigure was seriously injured at the Crocker paper mill early yesterdaymorning His right hand was caught in a calender machine and his arm was drawn in up to the shoulder and his right car was badly torn He was taken to the city hospital and the car had to be am putated His arm was badlv crushed and he will be confined to the hospital tor some time His home is at 50 Lyman street Branch 662 Catholic benevolent association received seven applications for membership at their meeting last (evening Plans were discussed for the large district class muster to be hold at the Windsor hall the 27th at which time a number of the state and several of the national officers will oe present class or rrom tirancnes 6G2 664 and 542 of Idolyoke 585 of Chicopee will be initiated The committee on ordinances will hold a hearing this evening on the proposed new traffic ordinance Tho special com mittee appointed by the board ot alder men will confer with President Loomis of the Holyoke street railway relative "to transfer privileges riday 1 Mrs rederick Lathrop who with her father John Merrick is spending the summer at the home for aged people re ceived yesterday invitation Mr and Mrs Lathrop to the silver wedding anniversary of President Taft Mr Lathrop was a classmate of the president at Yale in 1878 si Lynch Bros will start work aLonee orr the new two stqry block for Mansjr Dunbar on High sfreet The upper floor will be used as a hall and the ground floor for a store The Edwin Whiting association of veteran firemen will hold a practice play out this evening The are getting in shape to carry off the big prize at the South Hadlev ulls muster nnd the prac tice meetings are being well attended Man of the" is being given an excellent presentation nt the Mountain park casino The plnv deals with politics ajid the parts are well taken bv the cast Victor Browne in the part of the young mayor is especially good and the support given is excellent throughout will he at tne house all SevenMune weddings to day in the city and rs EOHGE carpenter and build VT er 150 Bridge at Tel 4031 or 4751 SHATTUCK CONTbcTOR AND 112 Cass at toll manv of whom do think of how little trouble fl hn quickly and cheaply it can he Tione While the company had to make the calls free of charge yesterday yet it is believed that it will mean an increased patronage to over the toll lines in the end It is ex pected that an announcement will be made soon of the change in call numbers where by letters will be substituted for call num bers Some nf the new stations have been equipped in this fashion at the pres ent time and it is probable that the change will be in effect on all the lines before another year Active Work for the ourth The city is now getting ready for the ourth of July celebration and Secretary Joseph Griffin of the celebration commit tee has received within a few days a num ber of notifications from societies that have voted to take part in the parade Unless all signs fail the parade this year will beat anything ever held in the city before The committee will hold another meeting in the aldermen's rooms Sunday evening at which time it is hoped to have all the delegates appointed from the societies in the city present and the program will be thoroughly discussed The larger part of the affair has already been arranged although there are a number of details yet to be settled The athletics for the day will occupy a large share of attention and the playgrounds nre now in fine shape for games of all descrip uvns TO DAY AND TO Mon the at the Mountain park xcnslno TV A Phnftn tn tnd vnfitorHar hnt desired to correct the report that former Mayor Avery was at the hearing before the claims committee Monday even ing as Mr Avery was not present The ehnirm'in the board of public works Walsh appeared before the commit tee Monday evening and stated that ho' sow Mr Chase previous to the appoint ment and that no compensation for the office was made Later tile hoard ot pub lic works set the salary at $1000 a year Mr Chase further states that his request for additional compensation was for serv ices rendered as inspector of public build ings and elevators and not as citv forester It would appear from what can be learned regarding the matter that no salary was set or promised previous to bis nppoint tliat time would be the board Advertising? Burns No Bridges In the Plumbing 1 The passage of water through seals and traps In the plumbing is not always sufficient to keep them in order our a little Carbonoi down waste pipes and it will dis solve greasy accumulations and disinfect the pipe completely removing all odors and poi sonous gases In cleaning the house for the summer a strong solution of Carbonol should be poured into nil seals nnd traps to prevent the ac cumulation of ail poisonous gases i The Garbage Can To keep garbage cans from becoming of I tensive scrub thein with Carbonoi and hot water The Carbonoi will destroy germ life I'and dissolve the grease so that the can "win be really clean when you are through If garbage must be left in the cans any length of time you can make it perfectly inoffen sive by sprinkling it with Carbonoi This will serve also to keep awav flies so that they cannot breed and multiply there Every place where flies gather should either be carefu lly screened or sprinkled with Car bonoi Keeping the flies from breeding is the only way to reduce their numbers CarbonoL is a derivative of coal tab Con sidering its great it is very inexpen sive small bottle' will Inst an ordinary household for month It is sold by drug gists In 10c 25c and 50c bottles or you can obtain a sample free of charge bv addressing the Barrett MfR Co 297 ranklin street Boston Mass Recently a manufactirer! said to us: The moment I begin t( ad vertise I have to burn my bridges behind me molify my long standing trade illa tions adjust my prices to take care of the advertising ejpen diture diminish the intaort a nee of my salesmen ctange' well proven selling metiodss1 What I have I got tlwugli these factors Shall I fojsakei them for an Such a viewpoint is typical of the man whose judgnentf of advertising is pure giess work Modern advertising birugi no bridges It does not supplant youni present trade relations It strengthens and broacens them along the very lines lmt' you have found good It means lower not higiier soiling costs because it nul tiplies the' result from taclii dollar of selling expense It does not minimize jour! salesmen It multiplies each salesmans selling power It i brings him new responsinli The Curtis Publishing Company Special Town Meeting Acts oa Purely ormal Matter There were 14 voters present at the pe cial town meeting held yesterday after noon at 230 in the town hall building Harry Ij Schaefer of the board of select men in the absence of Town ClerkCharlcs Oakes called the meeting to order andHerbert N' Kingsbury was bhosen clerk protem Cadle was chosen niod ciator AThe meeting was called with ref erence to the vote passed March 30 1910 whereby $S50O0 was appropriated for the paving and other 'improvement work on Elm street anfl Park square Some ques tion arose us to the bonds and it was decided to hokLqthe meeting of yesterday to make tire bond issue perfectly legal It was therefore voted to ratify confirm and adopt the votei passed March 30 1910 and the money will now be 'borrowedThe will bear interest more than 4 per cent and will be issued in denominations of $1000 and $500 It seems that there must be some more ratifying of votes before the above'zandiotlier bonds can be issued It has therefcnyi been arranged to hold an other Jown nMgting on Saturday of this week ant! there are seven articles to be acted upon ive of these articles cqJUupaii'thevoteis to confirm and ritiiv Uiev vm epmse(l May 4 J91t ap propriating $8501'4) for the improvement work to be raised by the issuance of ltonls tho vote passed March 31' 1910 $15000 for inVreasing enlarging' the' gas plant the vote passed March 30 1911 appropriating $5000 for 'improving Main'" street the vote' propriate $10000 for increasing ana en larging the electric light 'yplant and' The vote to appropriate $10000 for the work on Elm street all of this motley to be raised by issuing bonds The last article calls for' amending the orders and by laws of the town so that the annual meeting in March may adjourn to such day and hour ns the meeting max deter mine instead of thc first Monday Of April OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY ELEVATORS HY'DRAULIC TLUNGEh ELECTRICS TEL 21(1 GO WILBRAHAM ROAD SPRINGIELD' MASS'.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.