What is it with the older generations and their comments?? - August 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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Ive literally have had two people ask if I’m having twins. One was my mom and she’s asked twice. Once earlier in the pregnancy and once recently. Then I had a complete stranger ask my due date and then ask if I’m having twins.

Like no? I’m 35 weeks of course my belly will look big. I’m so close to being a month away.

Not to mention my mom is confused why my child is usually on the right hand side of my body. Because she can? She claims babies like the left because of the blood flow is higher and I’m like my child is weird. Then she made a comment about how my baby will be a left handed baby and I’m like. What does that have to do with anything?

Plus she mentioned how my child isn’t going to be with me the whole time and she’s going to go to the nursery and stuff and I’m like. You’re funny. They don’t do that anymore. My OB told me that my baby will be with me the whole time. Plus I confirmed it with one of my friends who had children in more recent years (just having her youngest just about 2 years ago) and the only time they do take the child out of the room is for measurements. (And of course if they have to be brought to nicu)

But literally I love arguing with my mom who had her last child 20 years ago. About things I’ve already talked about with my OB. At this point can you not put your two sense in? I know you’ve had four children but the fact of the matter is that some things have changed. Medical care has advance and we have different information now.

That’s why we tend to make fun of 90s car safety. Because we know that the stuff is different than it was.

It’s just bugging me because she wants to put her two cents in and I live with her since the relationship with the baby daddy is just absolutely complicated and pretty much want to call him a deadbeat. I just feel like she might overstep about my raising of my daughter. Plus she already makes comments about how I don’t feed her. This was because she was moving and as I came down for dinner that had JUST been done. And I’m like I’m about to eat right now. But she had also stopped me to talk to the baby.

Not to mention she likes to call it her baby and say that since we feed you I feed baby. (Because they buy the food) like seriously no.

Like is she trying to fight? She likes to get into my financial life as well and then wonder why we don’t talk to her anymore about personal stuff. Because you are giving me lectures when I already know what I have to do. My goodness.

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I get it! I've also had multiple strangers ask if I was having twins 🙄 and has more than one person trying to give me extremely unsolicited and outdated "advice". And this is my second child, like I have done this before, thanks.

I've got a few phrases in my back pocket for when anyone gets particularly rude or out of line with their comments. Usually it's something like "thanks but mind your own uterus, because mine isn't any of your business".

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I’m not even sure why people think it’s okay to say “wow you look like you’re about to pop” or “are you having twins?!” Like how are we supposed to react to that other than wanting to rip at their throat?! Haha my cousins husband said I look like I’m having twins and my quick mouth said SHUT UP with annoyance. Definitely need to bite my tongue.

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I lost my twins a few years back so when people ask if I'm having twins I always say "I did but they died we will see how far this one makes it" the look on their face is priceless 10/10 recommend.

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what’s crazy is the cousin who said the twin comment to me lost their twins last year around 26 weeks so I was shocked he even made a joke about twins too.

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What is it with the older generations and their comments?? - August 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (31)


My mom is like that. I’ve accepted over time that it’s her way of trying to connect with me. Her parents were critical of her and I think it’s what she’s used to. She just makes random comments. I try not to read into it or let it get to me. But it took years of therapy to get to this point. I’ve also learned to set boundaries.

As for people asking if I having twins, I just ignore them. Many times, they are well meaning.

Sorry you’re having a rough time!

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The older generation does say their fair share of inappropriate comments, but I’ve had 2 people my own age say wildly inappropriate things to me, and one is a mom herself!

A coworker asked me if I was sure I wasn’t having twins when comparing me to another pregnant coworker (her first baby, my second). And then just this weekend, my friend who is also a mom told me my belly looked way bigger than 30 weeks. I was like girl you should know better!!!!

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I’ve had more people closer to my age say stuff than older folks. This pregnancy it might actually be neck and neck, but I feel like the older people deliver it with more grace or something to me lol.

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my dad is a boomer and he's been making comments about what color my baby will come out......my husband is mixed and for some reason once a week my dad just has to make a comment about skin tone.

I wish people would stfu and not comment on pregnancy unless it's a positive thing.

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It baffles me how the older generation & also some other people think it’s normal to make these absurd comments. I’ve experienced this since my first pregnancy and trust me it doesn’t stop! They will continue to make comments and give you their expired opinions even after baby is here! You will have no choice but to brush it off or tell them off lol!

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Had an older friend that said "oh wow you're like so pregnant". Not even sure what that means, like yes sure "I know I am pregnant thank you very much".

Like people just word vomit without actually thinking of it's appropriate or add any value to either of our lives.

Ugh, so over useless comments.

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yeah, like 8 months so obviously. ��

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Yeah precisely. I have learnt to really bite my tongue, but when almost everyone you meet feels like they have to say something about your belly, it gets tiresome.

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it does! Especially when I know I have a whole 6 weeks left to grow. This is my second so I personally know I’m not as big as I can/probably will be. I saw a video of a girl who hit 36 weeks and every time someone would ask when she was due she would just tell them “today”. �� planning on trying that out once I hit 36 too!

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I’ve had a lot of random people, even young ones, make comments on my size too and ask if I’m having twins. Also had a MALE include there’s no way I’m making it to august with my size. ��

I saw a video the other day of a woman who hit 36 weeks and every time someone would ask her due date she would say, “today.” and the shock on their face would end the conversation. lol.

My mom & MIL done some of the same stuff you’re talking about and it was so annoying! It did eventually stop once baby got here. It’s harder because you do live with your mom and it sounds like you want to be at least somewhat respectful and grateful of that. She just obviously doesn’t know because it’s been a while.

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My grandma loves to make comments about my appearance every time I see her. Yesterday was, “you look beautiful for how far along you are.” ��

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You need to move out if possible or find a roommate situation, it’s only going to get worse once baby gets here. Mothers always think they know best but she may not be able to separate her mothering(her views/beliefs) to allow you to become a mother yourself and formulate your own ways. Also apply for food stamps then maybe you can buy your own food to avoid those situations and start assuming responsibility for “feeding your child”

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What is it with the older generations and their comments?? - August 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)
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