The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: THURSDAY MARCH 9 1876 MONEE AND BUSINESS TOW OICERS OR 1S76 HAMPDEN COUNTY MAINE RANKLIN COUNTY houses of the the Holyoke poor last CONNECTICUT No collection will be taken BERKSHIRE COUNTY An old cannon of revolutionary fame that has for the past 30 years lain in the Penobscot be tween Orono and Webster will soon be taken up and sent to Philadelphia The sensation at Lewiston is a man who has just paid his tax in specie William Barnes of Unity has been arrested for placing two jiggers on the track of the Belfast branch road from which a train came within an ace of being smashed up Remedy is not a new compound it has been before the public more than 20 years and ex tensively used by all classes both with and without the advice of a physician Remedy has been the means of saving from a lingering and fright ful disease and death hundreds of our well known citizens Remedy never fails to cure Dropsy and all Diseases of the Kidneys Bladder and Urinary Organs m7 ITulThlSalw A romance in real life has just culminated at Portland Or Many years ago a young man and woman were married in an eastern state but after a brief married life quarreled and were di vorced Both parties then married again and af ter several years the wife of one and the husband of the other died our years ago the woman went to Portland to live and almost the first per son she met on her arrival was her former bus band 'They concluded finally to try it over again married lived together three years took up the old quarrel where the? left it 30 years ago and again are petitioners for a divorce Bank Commissioner ogg publishes a state ment that the Kearsarge savings bank at Warner recently represented unsound is all right the se cinities of which he was suspicions having been replaced by others Ordway ex sergeant at arms of the House of Representatives is pres ident and the questionable securities were stock and bonds of the Washington market company deposited as collateral for notes against him and illiam Chandler one of the trustees George Nourse postmaster at Newport and a leading republican politician has been arrested on a charge of embezzlement of i500 in town funds in 1871 when he was selectman and treas urer which after discovery by the present offi cers he has paid The store of Augustus ox at Milton alls was burned Tuesday night loss insured for The second story was occupied by the Odd ellows who lost everything A Pittsfield child three years old was killed the other day by getting a bean in its nose There is a heavy freshet in the Connecticut valley The train from Concord was an hour late at Claremont last night and ran for half a mile through water a foot deep where the track was never before covered More trouble is feared A man named Strickland who carries the mail between Charlestown post office and the Central Vermont depot is under arrest for robbing a drunken man of and he confesses to otirer robberies It is suspected that he is the man who walked off with the mail bag at Springfield Vt not long ago BORN At West Springfield 8th a daughter to Charles and Martha Wright At Northampton 1st a sonto James Boman a son to Martin Clapp One reason for the light sentence of Mrs Marion Bransfield who was sent to jail at St Albans for six months the other day for smuggling a large quantity of goods was expressed in the plea of her counsel Who said her offense was not generally regarded in the community as a crime Louis Henri whose name has just been added to the Burlington voting list says he is 110 years old and another man is 98 The west end of the Wells River depot at Mont pelier was set on fire about 1 yesterday morning but the flames were extinguished with out serious damage The South Craftsbury folks were suddenly waked up the other midnight by the rumbling of the grist mill and flocked to it to see what was the matter It was running at a tremendous speed though there anybody near it It turned out that some rogue had crawled into it and set it running for the fun of the thing Highgate is agitated over an assault by two womenon a girl about a dozen years old named Smith The mother who seems to have done nothing wrong had incurred the ill will of a neighbor named Mrs Stockwell who with her daughter in the absence of Mrs Smith gave the Smith girl a severe poonding and threw her over a fence with such force as to break her leg The assailants have been fined for simple assault Mrs McGinn of Bridport who recently mur dered her son with poison and then took some herself is dead ATEIK HAMPSHIRE receiver may be appointed In support of his de mand he charges the officers of the company with various abuses of trust with issuing bogus poli cies for fictitious personages and then pretend ing to pay large sums of money on their death with paying unusually large salaries cotninis end perquisites with dissipating and squandering the assets and with fraudulently taking steps to terminate all the olicies issued by the company and to wind up the corporate ail of these be ing done as alleged with intent to divide the capital surplus and reserved funds of the com pany among the officers in fraud of the rights of the policy holders The company has not yet mt in its answers to these sweeping assertions New York Times HOLYOKE The employes of the arr alpaca company ac cuse William Mitchell who had charge of the finances of their recent ball of embezzling about (Jne of the ticket takers says he took in worth of tickets and that there were about 250 in the Trail when he began tending door while Mitchell handed in only Mitchell has received notice to the company A notice was posted in the mill of the arr alpaca company yesterday that a reduction of 10 per cent would be made aird a strike on a small scale resulted The operatives resumed work however on being told that if they a further reduction of 5 pier cent would be made and that wages would be restored to former rates as soon as an increase of business would warrant The water commissioners at their last meeting decided to shut off the water of those who haven't paid up and the collector wifi go at it to day Pattee Perkins have engaged Munn of Northampton to furnish castings for their hy drants and have notified him that they will re quire about 1000 of them this season They have just finished a silver plated model of their hydrant of reduced size Prof Nicholsof Boston who recently took a sam ple of water from Ashley pond has had another sample sent him this time drawn from the pipes He has taken water from several different reser voirs in New England which are similarly affected with the idea of devising some way of remedy ing the evil The Ashley water seems to be im proving although at times it is almost as bad as it was last fall Ex Chief Davis has accepted a position with the Ames manufacturing company of Chicopee Mr Mann is continuing the lessons of the draw ing class at his own expense that they may fin ish some drawings to send to the centennial flautist Village has a literary and social club wmen meets inaay evenings at members Another high toned dance at house to morrow night CHICOPEE It cost the town $10315 to assist her vear an average of about each Han ey Hitchco*ck who has been chairman of the school committee for the past five years de clined a reelection Mr services have been very valuab'e to the town The Unitaiians made by their recent so ciable The Masonic association hold their annual meeting next Monday night he cornet playing of Mr Williams at the re cent praise meeting of the Congregational church was so acceptable that arrangements are being made to have him funfish music at a union meet ing of all the chinches WESTIELD A eeding Hills countryman who stole a whip from Auctioneer store the other day ami sold it for 30 cents was on trial before Judge Lewis in less than an hour afterward and though he claimed the whip was taken as a joke his friends had to raise before he was re leased The Centra! Baptists at their annual meeting decided to continue the weekly collections and Suit Against an Insurance Company Judge Barrett in supreme court chambers has granted in part and denied in part a motion to make more definite and certain the complaint in the case of James Quigley against the Guar dian mutual life insurance company The plain tiff in his original complaint states that he is a piolicy holder of the company and that he brings the action for himself and such other poliey holders as may choose to unite with him He asks that the officers of the company may be en joined from carrying on the business or attending to its affairs that an accounting be had and that a Most of the annual town business has been postponed till the adjourned meeting on the first Ames 10'e "orlvrt at Caston have tilted Monday in April when the appropriations will be 11 111 tnlie wade and a committee of three will report what The jury who have for some time been secretly ought to be done about sidewalks The town hearing the evidence in regard to the fire that expended last year for schools or destroyed orger Winslow's house at Auburn over the appropriation for highways and bridges dale December 18 render the verdict that while an excess of contingencies and there is strong circ*mstantial evidence that the 1 aimers 379 both the latter items being less than fire was of incendiary origin there is not enough the appropriations The state and countv taxes of it to justify a positive verdict The chimney were the town officers and was iu an unsafe condition and the furnace was was paid on the debt The net debt is overheated just before the fire broke out but The Methodists have a festival riday night Winslow had been warned of these facts A few when Rev Washington Gladden of this city talks days before the tire was added to the in on surance Roswel wood chopper for Gil A letter was recently received at the Boston lett lately cut an ugly gash in his right foot post office through the English mails with this three inches long address: New York Press Box 5 New i ii i Hampshire Boston Mass United Malker and John Mlnte landlords of the old Union house at Belchertown which was I The Howe memorial fund now accumulating taken down last year have bought John Boston amounts to Belcher house and will take possession April 1 Manning will be chaplain at Music They piropise to introduce improvements and be hall Boston evaeuation day ready for the (increasing summer travel setting It is quite unnecessary7 for orger toward Belcher hill friends to heed his appeal for help if he hap Cummington chose a new board of selectmen ens to have any friends left for the officer who with 8 Stevens as chairman Almon Mitch will bling him back to Boston has been instructed ell has been town clerk 21 years A special a to see that all the necessaries of life are supplied propriation of was made for building an to Mrs Winslow and her sister iron bridge across the A estfield river near Ly I Ow ing to a reduction from 20 to 15 cents per sander Orcutt place ton q( coahghovelers employed ou the wharves Hampshire lodge of Masons at Haydenville of the Lowell railroad company at Chelsea re dedicate their new rooms to niglit and Ionic fused to begin work on Monday and their lodge of Easthampton and Jerusalem lodge of places were supplied by other men Yesterday Northampton will attend an extra train being noon about 400 strikers visited the wharf and run for their accommodation for a time a riot was imminent but the police were called and the rioters dispersed It is claimed that the men can make at the reduced rntp £5 and SC a rbiv SHELBURNE ALLS I A case has ust come before the superior crim Ihe Lnnersahst festival which closed last foal court at Boston which Illustrates the need night was a great success the gross receipts for public urinals in American cities A man who emS Ihe farce retired to an alley in obedience to a call of nature TOGO Milliners anted and the masquerading selecting as secluded a spot as possible was ar wetc the chief attractions raigned for indecent exposure of his person afternoon temperance meetings pome one having seen him from a back window held in the different churches by the local organ physicians testified that a trouble of the kidneys rations are making their mark on tic communi jth which the man was afflicted rendered his tv At the last one young women circulated the action apsolutelv necessary and the jury had the pledge with good success good sense to acquit him' though technically he Some 70 Maseme friends of both sexes helped Undoubtedly should have been convicted Ifn on 41 iftln rnl hm a thiiif cilvai' I wedding Monday evening and left with them substantial tokens he proposition made in town meeting to ent off from the school appropriation occasioned much debate and several votes but was finally lost A committee was chosen to direct how shall be spent enlarging the village school house A union temperance meeting under the au spices of the Protestant churches will be held at the Turners alls Baptist church Sunday even ing to be addressed by Rev Lord Rev Seaver and other temperance men of the town The case of Richard Bums of Greenwich whose sister shrieked at his recent funeral that he had been murdered has been investigated but there was no evidence that her charge wis vv ell grounded he Meriden Republican is making charges against some of the town officers which if well founded indicate an uncommonly bad state of affairs It charges Selectman Costellow with paying Ins own personal bills out of the town funds' asserts that Luther Riggs of the Meri den Recorder being a school visitor published in his paper a puff of a certain school book for which he received and in due time the book whs ndonted: that Riggs has received exorhi riTTSiELD I mntly high prices for town printing and that in A couple of baby elephants me up I general the people have been robbed by thedem tbe Housatonic railroad the other day bound for cciatic portion of the city government The Re Boston I publican aleo incidentally publishes the statement Councilor Plunkett Brown and 8 I that Olmstead first selectman and town There was more of activity and a good mar gin of fluctations for profit and loss in the Wall street stock dealings yesterday but with tho general influence bearish and the closing prices iu most cases near the lowest of the day although much below the opening quotations There was partial cessation however of the bear raid on Pacific Mail and circulation of the rumor oC a settlement or negotiations for a settlement with the Panama opposition under the influence of which the stock moved up a couple points to 22 The whole list was higher in the morning the advance ranging from' to 2 per cent but lost it all and in some cases more too in the after noon The ransactions aggregated 148000 shares Money was easy at 2a37 per cent on call closing cent Gold advanced from 114 a the opening to 114g at the close The gold car rying rates were 3 37 2j and 2 per cent oreign exchange was firmer at and $489118' for long and short sight Governments were dull but firm state bonds nominal and railro'd moi tgages in good demand with an advance of 3 per cent in Wabash and 1 per cent in Hannibal and St Joseph convertible The Union Pacific stockholders unanimously re elected the old board of directors at Boston yesterday and the latter in turn the old officers with President Sidney Dillon at the head heard the annual report which shows for the year 1875 gross earnings of and operat ing expenses including taxes of leaving a surplus of an increase oven the previous year of $13066(17 and took meas ures to defend the company in the suit of the Credit Mobilier company how pending in the Massachusetts supreme court The Western Union telegraph company will pass its April dividend as it ought to have done the one disbursed at the beginning of the year not having earned either with the heavy outlay for its new building in New York and the pur chase of new property The payment of the January dividend left the company be hindhand and the earnings this quarter more than wipe that out with possibly a balance of A Meyer real estate operators New York have been forced to make an assign ment with liabilities of and over and assets of equal amount if the cost price of the real estate they hold is realized which is hardly probable MARKETS Results Of the Annual Town Meetings Clerk Chase treasurer Bridge selectmen Darwin Merriam Hiram Orcutt and Philhrook AA'orrick: school committee John Garmon and Retd Clerk Alnton Mitchell selectmen Stevens Babbitt and ordyce Pack ard treasurer and collector II AV Kingman school committee Charles Norton Lvman and Morris constables A Rhoades and George 11 Ensworth Appropriations: Schools high ways and bridges paupers contingen cies Clerk Elijah Billings treasurer and collector Hiram Packard: selectmen assessors and overseers of the poor William Packard Jr Lorin Barrus and John II Godfrey school committee Ed ward Packard Appropriations: Debt highways paupers 8700 schools contin gencies' interest Clerk treasurer and collector Brown selectmen assessors and overseers of the poor Orville Carpenter Rose andL Marks school committee Rose Appropriations: Reacts $1500 schools poor contingen cies total Clerk Wells treasurer and col lector Dawley selectmen and overseers ot the poor George Hadsell William Hadsell and Gardner assessors Joel Burdick William Kittle and 1 Whitman: school committee Joel Burdick Appropriations: Roads and bridges schools Clerk Samuel Hastings treasurer Stockwell collector Josiah Conant selectmen assessors and overseers of the poor Mayo Stockwell and Adriel White school commit tee Charles A Williams Baker David Shep ardson Appropriations: 2 per cent on the valuation for contingent expenses and for schools Clerk and treasurer Amos Temple se lectmen and assessors David Temple Hugh Max well and Vincent school committee Coats constable and collector Canedy Ap propriations: Schools roads poor contingencies New Clerk treasurer and collector Elihu Ingraham selectmen and overseers of the poor Van Ness Mallery Elihu Ingraham and George Ingraham assessors Roys George In graham and Elbert Phelps school committee Mallery Appropriations: Highways schools contingencies Clerk and treasurer Dyer collector Seth Clark selectmen assessors and overseers of the poor Lewis Shaw James A Nash and James A inslow school committee Dr Thayer Appropriations: Schools $500 poor highways contingencies Clerk and treasurer Horace A Smith: collector Wheaton selectmen assessors and overseers of the poor Porter Blakeslee and Hester Smith echoed committee Mrs Emma Henry Clerk A Shepard treasurer Jones collector William Hawley select men and overseers of the poor uller Austin Hawlev Henry Wilcox assessors Sears uller John Northway school committee for three years Timothy Ryan Appropriations: Inter est schools highways pud bridges contingencies Clerk White treasurer and col lector Albert ord: selectmen and overseers of the poor A Pierce William Wayren and Roswell Hollis assessors Pierce Bird and White: school committee Torrey and Pierce Appropriations: Highways schools town charges Worthington Clerk and treasurer Samuel Cole collector Edwin Burr selectmen assessors and overseers of poor Jonathan Brewster Gordon Bates Charles Brewster school committee Ethan Clark Charles parsons Clark Appropria tions: Highways schools paupiers contingencies Stocks and Money At Boston Boston and Albany 132y4 do sevens iny4 Boston and Lowell 502 Boston and Maina 9lt do sevens 108 Boston Hartford and Erie sevens new 2iy4 Eastern 1 iy4 do sevens 55 itchburg 124 Old Colony and Newport 105 Norwich a id Wor cester 124 Connecticut River 134 Cheshire 40 Verm ont and Canada 30 Vermont Central first mortgage bonds 15 Ogdensburg and Lake Cham plain HO1 Rutland preferred 11 Portsmouth Great alls and Conway sevens 50 New York an I New England railroad '17 Michigan Central 62y4 Pullman car company 82 Atlantic mills 55 Ly man mills 60 Massachusetts cotton mills 990 Naum keag steam cotton mills 101 Amoskeag manufactur ing company 1520 Appleton manufacturing company 890 Hamilton manufacturing company 875 Boston water power company 10 Boston lead company 6 Allouez mining company 21 Al New York American gold 114 United States new fives 118 coupon sixes (1881) 123 five twen ties (1865) 118' (1865 new) 119 (1867) 121 (1868) 123 ten forties 119 Pacific railroad currency sixes 126 Central Pacific sixes 108 UnioM Pacific ('8 do sixes 105 do sinking funds 91 do land grant sevens 103 Missouri Pacific 12 Delaware and Hudson canal company 119 New York Central and Hudson River 116 Erie 17 do preferred 35 Harlem 143 do pre ferred 133 Michigan Central 62 Panama 135 Lake Shore and Michigan Southern 64y4 Illi nois 'Central 102 'Cleveland and Pittsburg 95 Chisago and Northwestern 43 do preferred 64 Cleveland Columbus and Cincinnati 52 New Jersey Central 106 Rock Island 110'Milwauke and St Paul 43y4 do preferred 80 Toledo Wabash and Western 3 do preferred 9y4 ort Wayne 102y4 Alton and Terre Haute 5 do preferred 19 Chicago and Alton 102 do preferred 109 Ohio and Missis sippi 21 Delaware Lackawanna and Western 117 Columbus Chicago and Indiana Central 4 Chi cago Burlington and Quincy 119 Hannibal and St Joseph 18 Adams express 106 Wells argo it express 87 American express 62 United States express 74 Mariposa 7 Canton 42 Con solidated coal 41 Cumberland 35 Western Union telegraph 68 Atlantic and Pacific telegraph 19 Quicksilver 17 do preferred 22 Pacific Mail 22l4 Produce and Provisions At Boston flour steady and firm western superfine common extras 5525 Wisconsin and Min nesota extras 5257 fancy do 775925 white wheat Ohio Indiana and Michigan Cal Illinois 62578825 St Louis 650ta9 southern 59 corn steady new mixed and yellow western 67rG8c oats 4450c for mixed and No 2 white 427847) for rejected 5455 for No 1 white rye Inld at shorts (219 fine feed and middlings 2122 D' ton pork film at for prime 23502)2375 for mess and 2526 for clear and extra clear beef steady at 1350 for mess and extra mess and 16(217 for family lard firm at 1314c for Boston and western smoked hams held at 14u)15c butter 20( 35c cheese lOigHc At York cotton quiet and steady middling uplands 12c flour in very moderate request for export and home use without decided change in price No 2 superfine western and state 4(575 white wheat Western extra 58O775 extra Uhiq490725 St Louis 5'259 patent Minnesota 660(29 southern 490ri9 rye flour quiet and steady corn meal quiet at S265g340 wheat a shade lower with a little more doing for export at the decline re ceipts 27510 bush sales 66000 at for ungraded spring 107 for straight No 3 Chicago in store 125 lor No 2 Milwaukee last inspection in store 103 for no grade winter red western 132 for Canada club in bond 134 for No 1 spring tin store and nominally 109lll for No 3 Milwaukee 1225)125 for No 2 Chicago rve quiet barley dull and declining No 2 Hay barley malt quiet and unchanged ccrn lc lower with a fair business doing for ex port and home use receipts 67124 bush sales 88000 at aCOc for no grade mixed 62 for steamer do 62 (n 63 for do western 60g61 for new yellow south ern 58 for anmercliantable mixed 63 for Kansaa do G0g63 for ungraded do 69 for old western do atloatA3 for Pennsylvania yellow also 15000 bush new mixed for March at 6262 8000 steamer mixed for 10th to 15th March at 62 and 10000 mixed for April at 63V oats heavy and lower re ceipts 45160 bush sales 48000 at 42547c for mixed western and state 45250 for white do including No 3 mixed New York inspection at 43244 No 2 do at 4(j 4 hay steady hops firm cotfee nominal sugar quiet and unchanged at for fair to good refining 7 for prime centrifugal 8 58 refined unchanged molasses unchanged rice unchanged petroleum quiet but firm crude 8 8c refined 1 1 bid cases 1821 tallow dull at rosin quiet at jiU2gl65 turpentine firmer at 39c eggs heavy and lower at 15 16c wool dull and unchanged: pork firmer new mess $232310 March 23 April 232)2310 May 2320782325 dressed hogs a shade lower at 10albc beef quiet cut meats quiet middles firm at 12c for western long clear 13 for city do: lard firmer and closed steady prime steam April 1367'al370 May 1365 121387 June 13dff(al4 butter firm at 15g25c tor ve6tern and 20g'A5 for state cheese steady whiskv juiet at 109 At Toledo flour quiet and unchanged wheat quiet SPRINGIELD Crocuses! The school committee arc pondering over the problem of wages and find it a most perplexing one They rather lean to the opinion that the teachers are iiot overpaid but the pop ular demand for retrenchment will doubtless lead to some reduction and it will probably be made by further discrimination between the teachers of different grades or degrees of expe rience Under the present arrangement all teachers up to the grammar school receive the same salary7 no matter how long they have served excepting a few primary assistants who receive less The result is that they are un willing to take higher grades when the princi pals want them to but an increase of salary would probably take away their unwillingnessSuperintendent Stone is studying how he cm consolidate schools and hopes'to dispense with enough assistant teachers to save 87000 to 87500 in salaries Two temporary assistants have al ready been dismissed and others will be at the beginning of next term but the plan will not be fully developed until the middle of the term Miller Alien Co (Reuben and Myron Allen) are voluntary and A Knight Co (A and Edwin Knight) of this city invol untary petitioners in bankruptcy James Chee ons of Tyringham and Levi Smith ot North ampton are voluntary petitioners Late arrivals in our local markets: Shad new potatoes spinach lettuce rhubarb and radishes Oranges are higher having risen a dollar per box at wholesale within a week on account of the in creasing western demand Poultry are more plenty while game except venison is out of the market Little four year old playing with her dolls: you lay there my dear and you lay 'Edie you know that right you should say no mama playing they are The liabilities of Charles Smith amount to 857856 the principal creditors being as follows: George iske and Hyde $28500 Mon son savings bank 89200 I) Cushman 84877 Newell I Cushman of Muncie 84300 AO Corbin $1000 Gurdon Bill 81009 George iske $940 Lucretia Stott of Caz enovia $780 Bundy's bank of Newcastle Md $500 and the Newcastle national bank $500 The directors of the Masonic mutual relief as sociation decided yesterday to begin another class to consist of 1000 members The associa tion at present contains 2500 members which is the original limit and this new class will fur nish a chance for the new applicants for mem bership for whom there is not room in the first class as well as for those of the first class who desire additional insurance or who find the assessments in the large class more than they can afford There were 23 assessments last year The Addie Walker or Mrs Stanly confidence woman arrested at Northampton where she has boarded in Hiram family fora considerable time and been by her heavy pur chases at the stores and generally prompt pay mint is a clover operator The state detectives scy she lias duped one Columbus Orcutt a West Warren fat mer with whom she formerly lived out of some $5000 on various false pre tenses and securities generally spiriting the lat ter away after Orcutt had accepted them Addie is a plausible woman quite attractive about 28 years old aud has claimed that her husband is dead and also in Europe One of the cheeks given Orcutt purported to come from George AL Stearns but the middle initial was made She was taken to Palmef yesterday7 morning and arraigned before Judge Robinson who postponed her examination till Thursday placing her under $5000 bonds in default of which she was brought to this city by Detective Joslyn and lodged iu jail Taft of Palmer is her counsel Rev Thomas Burgess son of Rev Dr Burgess was ordained as priest at Christ church yester day morning Bishop Paddock preaching the ser mon and conferring the ordination assisted by a number of clergymen The sermon set forth the duty of the minister to sow aud water the seed and then to wait for God to give the increase nd was an interesting and appropriate discourse John Dunlavy a takeman on the New Haven road was run over by the sw itch engine early yesterday morning anti instantly killed being cut almost in two He was exam ining the fasteuings of a freight train on the side track and stepped on the main track to pass a switch target when he was struck He had been here but a short time and his mates knew nothing about him but his acquaintances iu Hartford where he worked for a year say that he was an unmarried man and had some money in the bank there Coroner Rice began an in quest but adjourned it until this morning to se cure the presence of witnesses The tickets for Sothern's Satur day night go on sale this morning As is usual when there is a demand for seats those coming to the box office between Sand 9 will be given numbers in the order 'bf their arrival and the sale of seats will begin at 9 Tickets for Two of riday night are also on tap A special train will run to Northampton and way stations immediately after the Thomas con cert next Monday evening This is positively the last concert that will be given anywhere in this neighborhood this season although Mr Thomas intended to visit either Holyoke or Northampton Tickets for reserved seats will ho for sale in those at Brown dry goods store in the former place at II Ilayner's music store in the latter Bishop O'Reilly preaches at the cathedral this evening upon Confessional Its Divine Institution Its Necessity and Prof Crampton of Jacksonville 111 James Knowles Joint Day Isaac Poinier and A Jacobs of New York are at the Haynes house The Sovereigns had a very pleasant entertain ment at their hall last night with music tab leaux readings and statuary The winkjug of one of the statues at a friend in the audience was one of those touches of nature which always adds greatly to the general effect of such scenes Engine company No 4 held their annual sup per at the Exchange hotel last night and got their sides full The Grace church people had the did tavern full to overflowing last night and those who were there had such a good time and so many7 more wanted to attend that the entertainment will be repeated again this evening An old time wedding will be a feature One or two small jneces of armory machinery7 have already been shipped to the centennial and the lest will probably be ready to go in about a fortnight Lucien Bruce of the machine shop has gone down to arrange the machinery Rev A lecture at the North church last evening upon AV was a eulogistic description of the work and character of the sensitive but courageous and devoted Brighton preacher whose suggestive discourses do so much to quicken the religious thought of to day Rev AVashington Gladden lectures next week on and these lectures only cost a dime apiece The public are under obligations to the Young hristian association for introducing such an excellent concert troupe as the Berger family and Sol Smith puss*ll who entertained a fair audience at the city hall last evening The or chestral and band music of the troupe were ad mirable and the cornet solo of Aliss Anna Teresa Berger and violoncello solo of Allie Klaisy were particularly admired The bell ringing is not such a novel performance as once but is always interesting and this troupe do it as nicely as anybody Sol Smith personations were admirable his imitation of John Gough and Boggs on the being his best Altogether the troupe is composed of accom plished aud versatile performers and gave a performance that will ensure them a full house at their next appearance here The next concert of the series is by the Bamabee troupe and Persis Bell on the 14th At Ludlow Sth John Browning 74 for merly of Chicopee to morrow (riday) at 1030 a at Ludlow The body will be taken to Chicopee for interment At Ludlow 28th ult JACOB Strong 95 At Worcester 7th Capt Joseph AVELD40a member of Gen stat! during the war At Chester 8th Ursula 59 wife of Amasa Belden At Becket 8th Edward Harris At New York 6th Helen 10 daughter of 11 Hamilton of Ilion Y' formerly of this city ty uneral to day (Thursday) at No 232 High street at 3 At New York 7th Dr Stephen Kirby 75 one of the oldest hom*oeopathic physicians in the country formerly professor in both Rutgers aud the New ork hom*oeopathic colleges one of the founders of the first hom*oeopathic dispensary in New York and for several years conductor of the American Journal of hom*oeopathy At Bangor Me 7th Itev Charles Porter 62 founder and for two years pastor of the Second Baptist society and citv missionary At London England 8th Marie de lavigNv 71 Countess d'Agoult an authoress well known as LOCAL INTELLIGENCE JLOCAI NOTICES uss it round! Metcalf Luther say they are of fering furniture at prices The latest novelties in young men's felt hats can he had from practical Read Curti 's advertisem*nt on spring fall andwinter overcoats Ho claims prices always under the market The automatic gas burner manufac tured by Briggs Brothers Co 13 Lyman street burns it is claimed the same quantity of gas at all pressures Our readers who want a cheaper light than gas nnd a safer one than common kerosene will be glad to know that Marsh Co have taken the agency for Pratt's astral oil If one wishes to see an elegant store and what effect fine frescoing gives he had better step into Stowe They have just fitted up their store and now offer a very large stock of solid silver and lated ware at reduced prices To In this city at Liberty hall neck tie party At Greenfield at AVashington hall old concert At North Brookfield at the Union Congregational church centennial tea party At Hardwick centennial tea party elected Bradley clerk AV II 1 cr 10 other manufacturers from the northern part twasurer 11 Higgins collector and Roswell I of the county were witnesses at the superior Merriam eck and Osden prudential court yesterday in the suit of Daniel Wheel cimniittee er treasurer of the Cheshire reservoir company Reillv has bought cigar box against A AV Richardson and others formerly business composing the South Adams manufacturing firm iederick Douglass closed the very successful of Riciiaidson Upton Co When the reservoir course of lectures given by the young company was formed each firm contracted to society last evening His subject was pay such a sum toward the construction account and he help satisfying his au as should be assessed proportionately But one dienee or two firms failed to pay and the suit is to re IL Hibbard withdraws from the dry goods cover the amount about $9000 against Richard firm of now Hibbard ik Co to open a now store son Upton Co Dawes and AVilcox were en in the Westfield house block about April 1 gaged on opposite sides but before tire case had progressed far the court directed it to be contin The citizens of Ludlow renominate their old tied to next term to enable the plaintiff to file clerk felectiuen and assessors with Buell I an amendment to the declaration In the bastardy moderator and Rev 11 Martin school commit case of Catharine Hamilton against James ergti tce for three years The town meeting warrant son of South Adams the jury found the defend eontains articles on the abolishment of the dis ant guilty The suit of Prof John Tatloek against trict system and the road commissioners and the Lawyer de Mark to recover $41 costs 1 urcliase of a town The Congregational and fees claimed to be due in a case which Prof ists choose for the year Lucien Lyon as Tatloek began and afterward surrendered to Air clerk treasurerand collector and Jones Van de Mark is on trial Lyon and Herbert Aliller as the committee Sotherii as Lord Dundreary for Monday night The AVilbraliam Sovereigns of Industry listen north adams to a lecture at Memorial chapel by President 'Hie creditors of the Briggs Brothers meet at Chase of East Cambridge this evening the Arnold house this morning orty vears ago this week Samuel Keep of Mr concerts last night Longmeadow started in a sleigh on Monday and the night before were successful both morning on a family trip with his two daughters musically and financially The costumes were to Boston and got home Saturday evening with elaborate and the ceremony impressive especi good sleighing to spare for several days after ally the bringing out of the handwriting on the ward wall and a Troy musician liked it so well that he relief association and his family get $2590 Laplant daughter ot elix Laplant rtiiif has been sent to the Northampton insane asylum SJJUiR OUUA 11 She has heen thero beforOj but wag thought tp b0 Amherst cured important agricultural college news Pr interesting lecture on On account of the condition of the treasury National at the Utis Con tlie chair of veterinary science in the agricultural ley ational church recently college will be temporarily discontinued at the Dr ('ami ballot box which he presents to the dose of the summer term until means shall be town oi Banington lor its first use at the jaovided for its support Instruction in tins de town meeting in the new building Alonday I ailment will probably be continued though of an (jabojate affair A thumb spring opens a course it ith less efficieni'y than by a specialist sjt ju the top of the box for the depositing of the ike Prof Cressy I bis chair was made to bear baii(lt alld tbe friut ilre two dials one regis the economical strain beiause the latest cheated I te riup every ballot and the other every hun A kOutlnvick of Blackstone has been crctitli 'Hie ends are of plate glass So that the elected farm superintendent vice John Dillon citizen can watch the accumulation of resigned At event feature of the niihrary in Cashier Deland has his place on sti uction was the construction of a snow fort on in trcct t0 Mrg Avery the campus according to the best approved metliudK of military engineering for forts of more 1 he reival interest is still at its night in sev solid material President Clark lias selected I) oral towns At Alford there have been some oO Penballow of rtsmouth IL professor of conversions among them some pronounced atlie botanvaud chemists and AVilliam Wheeler ists lhe minister Rev Mr bwallow is a Con professor of mathematics for the faculty of the gregationahst but the set end denominations Japan agricultural college He expects to have have sensibly laid aside their dmerenees and all Geanion Youchi a former Japanese student of 'O t(l 'e union church the only one in town the college on the corps of instructors and possi About joined the Congregational church at blv Laitaro Naito a scholarly Japanese who Curtisville Sunday but the work there has also spent several vears at the college Though been of a union nature tue minister being about 40 young Japs are ready to enter the new Itev Albert Nash a retired Methodist institution the first work will be mostly Sheffield elects a young lady to the school preparatory and other men be sent out as oc board casion demands Air Penhallow has already The New Marlboro town meeting was held atwon an enviable reputation for a young man thc bew liall in Mill Kiv(r ami the town voted through his chemical and botanical investiga t() graut 110 liquor licenses aud appointed a town tions as shown by Ins contributions to the aeeut Scientific armer and Air Wheeler has done good work as an agricultural and civil engineer WORCESTER COUNTY itts's bam and plaster mill in tuning considerable machinery aud about 30 tons of Trial Justice Luther Hill of Spencer has gone bone at East street was burned Tuesday7 night for a six sojourn in Colorado where he is loss about $3000 insured for $2000 The fire is iriteiested in sheep raising Justice Duell of supposed to have been incendiary Brookfield officiates iu his absence Charles The wife of Congressman Seelye started for Prouty boot manufacturer and family started AVashington yesterday to spend a short time for Griffin Ga yesterday to be absent three with her husband who will probably come home weeks for health and pleasure after his currency speech to remain for a few investigating committee find the poor house affairs as bad or worse than reported Ihere will be a concert and supper at tue Con al)(j fOVrI takes the matter up at a meeting gregational church March li witi music by next month Meanwhile the Worcester Press Capt Skinner new orchestra I promises disclosures quite as startling in apoor northampton house in another town 'Hie county commissioners have received a pe Lancaster feels proud because during the past tition to open a new road in Huntington and tip year a school house new town farm buildings pointed a hearing in the matter at the hotel in a laige blacksmith shop aud carriage factory a that village June 1 They are asked to discon block of stores and several fine dwellings have tinue the road from in South been built the south village cotton mill is Hadley to the AVillimansett plains and will con leased and running to its full capacity and eight sider that proposition at South Hadley June 2 new houses are now under way They have approved bills amounting to j)e Haskins engine company of itchburg and adjourned till April 1 when it ill be ncces ship cd an engine and boiler to Holland Monday essary to issue new licenses to inn keepers and tie ojoptp within a few months the sixth engine ferry owners to Lawrence Tuesday and two engines to Phil rench formerly a teacher in the vicinity of adeIpl)ia yesterday 'to be used iu unloading New Haven opens a classical and scientific s'iltpol nrachinerv for bovs at his Elm street residence April 10 Michael Connery of AVesthampton built a stone ie hiuldmgg at Leominster occupied as wall in a location objectionable to Lyman by Kenney Icnnev and btratton who claimed a right of way through those parts 'VMC lir et uebclay U1oht and the court spent yesterday in considering his lofcS claim but ad journeil before the jury could find A wagon containing two mattresses and a man its mind John Gaylord won his case against badly wounded and bleeding driven rapidly John Moriarty To day the court attends to through the streets in the early evening is Wor and the la Simonds hotel company last mystery because the latter paid three promissory Worcester high school cost $17169 last year notes which they claim were given as au aeeom an average per scholar of $5468 modatiou and for no consideration enfield EASTERN MASSACHUSETTS agent while drunk made an assault the other day on Special Policeman Lynde the vilest language he could Air Riggs lias sued William Graham editor of the Re publican for libel The Hartford insurance company loses 81109 by the recent fire at Woodstock and the Aina and $5000 each by the burning of the Nemaha county (Kan) court house Satur day Tlie first prize of $30 for excellence in debate at the Connecticut literary institution goes to AVilliam I Willett of Suffleld the second of $20 to Johnson of Indianapolis and the third of $10 to A Snow of West Chester Ct Mrs Belknap had engaged a cottage at New London for the summer before the bribery came out but probably occupy it now The recent anti Catholic crusades at Putnam have led to the secession of over 60 from the Catholic church A Hartford Scotchman who can speak 14 lan guages gets a living by performing on musical glasses The price paid by Cardinal AIcCloskey for the residence of the late Le Grand Lockwood at Norwalk which he proposes to convert into a Catholic college was $200000 Deputy Insurance Commissioner Maltbie has resigned his position on the republican state cen tral committee and IL Lane of Collinsville takes bis place The boat in which the university crew were rowing Tuesday was thrown against some piles by a sudden turn of the current and smash ed aud all were thrown into the water Three oi them swim and for a short time were in a very critical situatiou but all were finally picked up Edward Sankey brother of Ira is in Middletown where he leads the singing at one of the churches ATing AVing says he is going to send Yale col lege 115 more students from China VERMONT.

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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